Just when you thought there was too much to explore in outer space! Astronomers now have a virtually infinite amount of astronomical information at their fingertips in cyberspace.

No listing of astronomical World Wide Web pages can be complete, but we've tried to compile the ones that we think are most useful and interesting. Instead of listing them in alphabetical order, we've grouped them by subject. Just like the yellow pages in a phone book.

Amateur Telescope Making Astronomy Clubs Astronomy Marketplace
Astrophotography Aurora Blogs
Comets Dark-Sky Parks Deep Sky
Eclipses Extrasolar Planets General
Images Kid Sites Light Pollution
Magazines & Journals Meteors The Moon
Observatories Observing Programs Planetaria
Planetary Exploration Podcasts Satellite Observing
Software Solar System Space Agencies
Space Organizations Star Maps Star Parties
Stars The Sun Weather

Amateur Telescope Making (ATM)

The ATM's Workshop
Projects, Tips, and Techniques for the Amateur Telescope Maker.

Mel Bartel's ATM Page
Feature many articles on telescope mountings and optics.

Spectrum Coatings
The leader in precision optical mirror coatings for telescopes and astronomy.

Astronomy Clubs and Organizations

Local (Michigan)
Capital Area Astronomy Association
Meets monthly at Abrams Planetarium in East Lansing.

Ford Amateur Astronomy Club
Group of amateur astronomers from Dearborn area.

General Motors Astronomy Club
Founded in 2017 and based in the Milford area.

Grand Rapids Amateur Astronomical Association
Neighboring club to the north; owns and operates Veen Observatory.

Grand Traverse Astronomical Society
Astronomy enthusiasts from northeastern Michigan.

Kalamazoo Astronomical Society
Founded in 1936, oldest and one of the largest groups in Michigan.

Muskegon Astronomical Society
Neighboring club to the northwest.

Oakland Astronomy Club
Club based in Oakland County in Southeast Michigan.

Shoreline Amateur Astronomical Association
Group from the Holland area on the shore of Lake Michigan.

Seven Ponds Astronomy Club
Group affiliated with the Seven Ponds Nature Center, located near Dryden.

University Lowbrow Astronomers
Amateur group based in the Ann Arbor region.

University of Michigan Student Astronomical Society
Student group educating students and public about astronomy.

Warren Astronomical Society
Large group of amateur astronomers from the Detroit area.

Regional (Illinois / Indiana / Ohio)
Calumet Astronomical Society
Enthusiasts from Northwest Indiana and southern Chicago regions.

Columbus Astronomical Society
Central Ohio's largest and oldest organization.

Fort Wayne Astronomical Society
Amateur astronomers from northeastern Indiana region.

Indiana Astronomical Society
Based in the Indianapolis region.

Lake County Astronomical Society
Club in the Northeastern region of Illinois.

Michiana Astronomical Society
Located in Northern Indiana, from the South Bend region.

National (and Canada)
Antique Telescope Society Home Page
Dedicated to promote the history of astronomy.

Astronomical Society of Kansas City
Founded in 1935 and operates Powell Observatory.

Houston Astronomical Society
Texas group founded in 1955.

Los Angeles Astronomical Society
Large organization founded in 1926.

North York Astronomical Association
Host of Starfest, based in Ontario, Canada.

Orange County Astronomers
Large organization in southern California.

Peoria Astronomical Society
Amateur astronomers from north-central Illinois.

Phoenix Astronomical Society
Desert astronomers in central Arizona.

San Diego Astronomy Association
A non-profit educational organization established and incorporated in 1963.

San Francisco Amateur Astronomers
Astronomy enthusiasts from the Bay Area.

Sidewalk Astronomers
Co-founded by John Dobson in 1968.

Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association
Astronomy enthusiasts from southeastern Arizona.

Ventura County Astronomical Society
Educational and scientific group north of Los Angeles.

Astronomical Society of Victoria
Astronomy mates in southeastern Australia.

Brisbane Astronomical Society
Australian amateur astronomers on the east coast.

Northern Ireland Amateur Astronomy Society
Amateur astronomers from Northern Ireland.

Sheffield Astronomical Society
Amateur group in South Yorkshire, England.

Astronomy Marketplace

ADM Accessories
Losmandy and Vixen style dovetail plates, rings, counterweights, and much more.

Astronomy filters for imaging and research.

High-end refractors and German equatorial mounts.

Makers of dew controllers, dew caps, focusing masks, and much more.

Baader Planetarium
Featuring high quality filters, plus a variety of telescope and mount accessories.

Manufacturer and importer of telescopes, binoculars, etc.

Hydrogen Alpha solar telescopes.

Deep Sky Instruments
Makers of high-end Ritchey-Chrétien Telescopes.

Denkmeier Optical
Specializes in binoviewers for telescopes.

Diffraction Limited
Major manufacturer of CCD cameras and accessories.

Explore Scientific
Telescopes, eyepieces, mounts for all skill levels and much more.

Finger Lakes Instrumentation
Quality Cooled CCD Cameras for Scientific and Astronomical Imaging.

Makers of Center Balanced and German equatorial mount, plus camera trackers.

Kendrick Astro Instruments
Dew controllers, solar filters, and power supplies.

Fine German equatorial mounts and astrophotography accessories.

Lunt Solar Systems
Maker of hydrogen alpha solar telescopes and accessories.

Meade Instruments Corporation
Telescopes and accessories for beginners and advanced amateurs.

Moonlite Telescope Accessories
Manufacturer of premium of traditional Crayford style focusers and Worm drive 2 axis rotating focusers.

My Case Builder
Design custom foam for your eyepiece case and much more.

Obsession Telescopes
Larger aperture Dobsonian telescopes for obsessed observers.

Makers of specialized astronomy prodcuts based in Lowell, Mchigan.

Optical Guidance Systems
Research grade Ritchey-Chrétien Telescopes.

Optiques Fullum
Specializes in a folded Newtonian ranging from 30 to 60 inches.

PlaneWave Instruments
Makers of high-end Dall-Kirkham Telescopes.

Rainbow Astro
Makers of high-end, ultra-portable Harmonic Drive mounts.

Full line telescopes, mounts, and photography products for all skill levels.

Software Bisque
Makers of the Paramount ME II, MX & MyT, TheSky, and more.

Starlight Instruments
Feather Touch Focusers for telescopes.

Starstructure Telescopes
Makers of high-quality, large aperture Dobsonian telescopes.

High quality refractors and accessories.

Top notch refractors, astrographs, and more.

Tele Vue
Beautiful refractors and highest quality eyepieces in the world.

Thousand Oaks Optical
Solar filters, dew heaters, and deep sky filters.

Webster Telescopes
Makers of large aperture Dobsonian telescopes right here in Michigan.

William Optics
Fine refractors, eyepieces, and other accessories.

Offers binoculars and beginner to mid-range telescopes.

Deep sky and planetary CMOS cameras and related accessories.

Agena AstroProducts
Large online dealer in Cerritos, California.

Alpine Astronomical
Large variety of filters and optical accessories.

Anacortes Telescope & Wild Bird
Large mail order dealer in Washington state.

Large mail order dealer in Norman, Oklahoma.

Sells astronomical and other science and nature products.

Eyepiece Caps
A good source for replacement dust caps for eyepieces, diagonals, etc.

High Point Scientific
Telescope dealer in New Jersey.

Telescope shop in Tucson, Arizona.

Astrophotography / CCD Imaging

Amazing Sky
Astronomy author and photographer Alan Dyer presents amazing sky sights.

Image hosting website specifically targeted to astrophotographers.

Astronomical & Nightscape Photography
Award winning images and articles by Chris Cook.

Images and printing services by Tony and Daphne Hallas.

Astrophotography by Bob & Janice Fera
Images taken with ASA 8" Astrograph, 12.5" RC, and more.

Catching the Light
Images and many helpful articles by Jerry Lodriguss.

Chuck's Astrophotography
Astrophotography articles and images by Chuck Vaughn.

Imaging the Deep Sky
Astronomical images from Ash Meadows Observatory by George Greaney.

Night Sky Pix
Helpful articles to help you learn to photograph the night sky.

Russell Croman Astrophotography
Fine Photographs of Celestial Wonders.

The Universe in Color
Images by Rob Gendler from his robotic observatory in New Mexico.

Aurora (Northern Lights)

Aurora - 30 Minute Forecast
See if there's auroral activity in your area right now!

Aurora Borealis Forecast
Aurora forecasting from Soft Serve News.

Aurora Forecast
Aurora forecast from the University of Alaska Fairbanks.

Auroras: Paintings in the Sky
Learn about aurora with their self-guided lesson.

The Aurora Page
Images and links from Michigan Tech.

Space Weather
News and information about meteor showers, solar flares, and much more.

Space Weather Live
Provides the latest space weather data, news, and updates from the Sun to aurora on Earth.

Space Weather Enthusiasts Dashboard
Information on current conditions from the Space Weather Prediction Center.


Bad Astronomy
Website by astronomer, writer, and skeptic Phil Plait.

The astronomy blog for amateurs of all levels.

Snapshots from Space
Focus on planetary exploration by Emily Lakdawalla from the Planetary Society.


Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Operates at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.

A wealth of information on comets of the past, present, and future.

Dark-Sky Parks

Big Bend National Park
National park in western Texas nestled in the “Big Bend” of the Rio Grande River.

Cherry Springs State Park
82-acre state park surrounded by the Susquehannock Forest in Pennsylvania.

Death Valley National Park
An IDA "gold-tier" park located west of Las Vegas in California.

Gordon's Park
Wilderness Retreat on Manitoulin Island; they also host two summer star parties.

Headlands International Dark-Sky Park
Located on the shore of Lake Michigan near Mackinaw City.

John Glen Astronomy Park
Located inside of Hocking Hills State Park in Southeast Ohio.

Marathon Motel & RV Park
Located under Bortle 1 skies north of Big Bend National Park in West Texas and catering to amateur astronomers.

Natural Bridges National Monument
The first International Dark Sky Park, located in southeastern Utah.

Deep Sky

Deep Sky Watch
Astronomical observing resources by Michael Vlasov.

Double Star Log
Contains 100 entries and sketches by KAS member Richard Bell.

Messier Database
Tremendous amount of information of the famous catalog and its history.

Messier Objects
Guide to the brightest galaxies, nebulae, and clusters in the Messier catalog.

Messier Marathon Guide
Detailed analysis of planning and executing the marathon by Richard Bell.


Eclipse 2024
NASA website on eclipses with information about events, science, and much more.

Eclipse Megamovie
Project hoping to collect eclipse photos from over 1,000 amateur astronomers.

Eclipse Orchestrator
Software (for the PC) that controls your camera during solar eclipses.

Eclipse Photography Home Page
Incredible eclipse images by Miloslav Druckmüller.

Eclipse Wise
Loads of information on solar and lunar eclipses by "Mr. Eclipse" Fred Espenak.

Information on future eclipses with weather information from Jay Anderson.

Google Maps 2024 Eclipse Page
Zoom into and get detailed information for any point along the 2024 eclipse path.

Great American Eclipse
Detailed maps and much more on the April 8, 2024, total solar eclipse.

Hermit Eclipse
Information on upcoming eclipses and what causes them.

How to Make A Solar Filter
Nice DIY article by Chris Cook from Agena Astro.

National Eclipse
Includes a detailed overview of the 2024 eclipse with links to special events.

Sky & Telescope's 2024 Eclipse Page
Many helpful articles to get you ready for the 2024 total solar eclipse.

Solar Eclipse Maestro
Software (for Macs) that controls your camera during solar eclipses.

Total Solar Eclipse 2024
Dedicated to the Safe Observation of the Total Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024!

Extrasolar Planets

Astrobiology Web
Includes section on Exopaleontology.

California & Carnegie Planet Search
Features the latest news, articles, and a catalog of all known exoplanets.

Exoplanet Exploration: Planet Beyond Our Solar System
NASA site with all the latest news on discoveries and missions.

Extrasolar Artwork by Lynette Cook
Well known astronomical artist with large collection exoplanet artwork.

Extrasolar Planets Encyclopedia
Most up-to-date listing maintained by Jean Schneider of Paris Observatory.

Kepler Mission: A Search for Terrestrial Planets
Past mission to search for Earth-sized and smaller planets using transit method.

NASA Exoplanet Archive
Collates and cross-correlates data and information on exoplanets and their host stars.

Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS)
NASA mission that will discover exoplanets orbiting the brightest stars in the sky.


Astronomy Center
Educational Resources for introductory astronomy college course.

Astronomy Tools
Tools to calculate the field-of-view for any combination of telescopes, eyepieces, and cameras.

Cloudy Nights
Equipment reviews, Photo Gallery, and extensive Forums for Amateur Astronomers.

Cosmos: The SAO Encyclopedia of Astronomy
A unique astronomy reference written by research astronomers.

Go Astronomy
Guide to telescopes, planets, constellations, and more.

NASA Science
Provides information about NASA's scientific endeavors and achievements.

Night Skies Network
A site for amateur astronomers who like to view and share our night time skies.

Night Sky Gazing
Tips, advice, and guidance for novice amateur astronomers.

Personal Pages of Astronomers
Hundreds of links to amateur astronomers around the world.

Secret Worlds: The Universe Within
Powers of Ten style tour of outer and inner space.

Seeing in the Dark
Web page dedicated to the PBS Special by Timothy Ferris.
Latest news and information on astronomy and space exploration.


Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) image database.

Astronomy Picture of the Day
A different image of our universe every day.

Latest news and information about the iconic space telescope.

NASA Images
Public access to NASA's images, videos and audio collections.

Planetary Photojournal
Thousands of images from the planets and moons of the solar system.

Sloan Digital Sky Survey
A survey to map one-quarter of the entire sky in detail.

Whole NGC
An image of every object in the New General Catalog.

Kid Sites

NASA's Kids Club
Feature educational games, picture dictionary, and much more.

Space Place
Games, projects, and fun facts about Earth, space and technology.

Space Scoop
An astronomy news service for children aged eight and above.

Light Pollution

Dark Sky Initiative
Information to educate and motivate you to fight light pollution.

Dark Sky Map
Discover and share the best places to observe the night sky.

Dark Site Finder
Contains of list of sites with dark skies and an interactive light pollution map.

International Dark-Sky Association
Dedicated to preserve and protect the night time environment.

Light Pollution
Information from the National Park Service.

Light Pollution Atlas 2006
Color coded light pollution map compiled by David Lorenz at the University of Wisconsin.

Light Pollution Map
Interactive world light pollution map. Uses VIIRS, World Atlas 2015, and SQM/SQC overlay contributed by users.

Dedicated to reducing light pollution and restoring the natural night time sky.

Starry Night Lights
Commercial Dark Sky Lighting.

Why Light Pollution is a Solvable Environmental Crisis
Excellent article from PBS NOVA packed with information.

Magazines & Journals

Amateur Astronomy Magazine
News for, by and about amateur astronomers around the world.

Astronomy Magazine
The world's best-selling astronomy magazine.

Astronomy Now
The United Kingdom's best-selling astronomy magazine.

Astronomy Technology Today
Your complete guide to astronomical equipment.

Sky at Night
British monthly magazine about astronomy aimed at amateur astronomers.

Sky & Telescope
The essential magazine of astronomy.

Publication of The University of Texas at Austin McDonald Observatory.

Meteorites, Meteoroids & Meteors

American Meteor Society
Inform, encourage, and support the research in meteor astronomy.

ASU Center for Meteorite Studies
Wealth of information on meteorites from Arizona State University.

International Meteor Organization
Collects meteor observations from around the world.

Meteoroids and Meteorites
Covers the basics of meteor astronomy with images of the various classes.

Sky & Telescope's Meteor Page
News on upcoming meteor showers and many how-to articles.

The Moon

Inconstant Moon
Take a tour each night, with maps, photos, explanations, animations.

Lunar Society International
Official website of the Moon.

Moon phase information, interactive Moon map, plus observing and photography tips.

Virtual Atlas of the Moon
Free software for Moon observation or survey.


Albion College Observatory
Built in 1883, contains an 8.25-inch Alvan Clark refractor.

Beckstrom Observatory
Private facility near Deford with largest research telescope (30") in Michigan.

MSU Observatory
Contains a 24-inch Boller & Chivens Ritchey-Chrétien telescope.

Owl Observatory
Owned and operated by the Kalamazoo Astronomical Society.

Sherzer Observatory
Observatory on the campus of Eastern Michigan University.

Veen Observatory
Facility of the Grand Rapids Amateur Astronomical Association.

Gravitational Waves
Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO)
Consists of twin observatories in Washington and Louisiana.

Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA)
NASA/ESA mission scheduled to launch in the early 2030s.

Virgo Interferometer
European facility located near Pisa, Italy.

Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA)
Advanced telescope array in the Atacama Desert in Chile.

Green Bank Telescope
World's largest fully steerable radio telescope - spanning 100 meters.

Parkes Observatory
A 64-meter radio telescope located in Australia.

Very Large Array
Network of 27 radio telescopes near Socorro, New Mexico.

Big Bear Solar Observatory
Operated by the New Jersey Institute of Technology.

Cerro Tololo Inter American Observatory
Premiere observing sites in Chile, includes Gemini 8m and more.

Grove Creek Observatory
Remote Internet controlled public telescopes in Australia.

Kitt Peak National Observatory
Largest observatory in continental U.S. - located in Arizona.

Large Binocular Telescope
Telescope with two 8.4-meter mirrors on Mount Graham, Arizona.

Lick Observatory
Historic facility on Mount Hamilton in California.

Lowell Observatory
A private research institution in Flagstaff, Arizona.

Mauna Kea Observatories
Prepare site in Hawaii; includes the twin 10-meter Keck telescopes.

McDonald Observatory
Operated by University of Texas at Austin; located near Fort Davis.

Mount Wilson Observatory
Home of the historic 100-inch Hooker telescope in California.

National Optical-Infrared Astronomy Research Laboratory (NOIRLab)
Operates observing facilities of Kitt Peak and Cerro Tololo.

Palomar Observatory
Home of the historic 200-inch Hale telescope in California.

U.S. Naval Observatory
Remote observing stations located in Arizona and Colorado.

Vera C. Rubin Observatory
Proposed ground-based 8.4-meter nightly all-sky survey telescope.

Chandra X-ray Observatory
One of NASA's Great Observatories; launched in 1999.

Herschel Space Observatory
Infrared telescope operated by the European Space Agency.

Hubble Space Telescope
Official website of the legendary telescope.

James Webb Space Telescope
Future 6.5-meter space telescope; the successor to Hubble.

Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope
Designed to unravel the secrets of dark energy and dark matter, search for and image exoplanets.

Spitzer Space Telescope
Infrared telescope launched in 2003. Retired in 2020.

Observing Programs [of the Astronomical League]

Constellation Hunter
An orientation to the night sky for novice astronomers.

Lunar Club
Observe 100 lunar features with eyes, binoculars, and a telescope.

Lunar II Club
Observe another 100 lunar features.

Sky Puppy
Observing program designed for younger observers.

Universe Sampler
Designed to expose beginners to many different types of objects.

Binocular Double Star Observing Program
Observe 50 out of 120 double stars suitable for binoculars.

Binocular Messier
Observe at least 50 Messier objects with binoculars.

Deep Sky Binocular
Observe at least 50 non-Messier objects with binoculars.

Southern Skies Binocular
Observe 50 deep sky objects visible from the Southern Hemisphere.

Arp Peculiar Galaxies (Northern)
Image 100 Arp galaxies with a CCD camera.

Observe all 109 objects in Patrick Caldwell-Moore's list.

Galaxy Groups & Clusters
Observe up to 120 objects in four different categories.

Globular Clusters
Observe and compare up to 50 different globular clusters.

Herschel 400
Observe 400 objects in William Herschel's New General Catalog.

Herschel II
Observe another 400 NGC objects.

Messier Club
Observe all 110 objects in Messier's famous catalog.

Open Cluster Club
Observe, sketch, and classify up to 125 open clusters.

Planetary Nebula Club
Observe and/or image up to 110 planetary nebulae.

Southern Skies
Observe and log at least 50 objects visible from southern skies.

Urban Observer
Observe 100 objects from light polluted skies.

Asteroid Observing
Observe and/or image up to 100 asteroids.

Comet Observers
Observe and/or image up to 30 different comets.

Double Star Club
Observe 100 of the finest double stars in the sky.

Earth Orbiting Satellite Observing
Observe a variety of man-made orbiting satellites.

Master Observer
Complete ten Astronomical League Observing Programs to qualify.

Meteor Observing
Observe and log meteor observations for up to six hours.

Sunspotter Club
Make 5 detailed and 20 full-disk sketches of sunspots.


Abrams Planetarium
Located on the campus of Michigan State University in East Lansing.

Adler Planetarium
Oldest planetarium in the western hemisphere; located in Chicago.

Albert Einstein Planetarium
Located in the National Air and Space Museum in Washington D.C.

Armagh Planetarium
Ireland's leading center for astronomical education.

Buhl Planetarium
Part of the Carnegie Science Center in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Griffith Observatory and Planetarium
Historic facility located in Los Angeles, California.

Planetary Exploration

First orbiting mission to Saturn; Huygens landed on Titan in 2005.

Mission to orbit asteroids Vesta and Ceres.

New Frontiers Mission to Jupiter.

Mars Exploration Program
NASA's main site for the exploration of the red planet.

Mars Express
Mission of the European Space Agency - currently in orbit.

First probe ever to orbit the innermost planet.

New Horizons
NASA mission to the Pluto-Charon system and beyond.

Collected samples of Comet Wild 2 and returned them to Earth in 2006.

Venus Express
Mission of the European Space Agency - currently in orbit.

Voyager Project Home Page
NASA's legendary planetary probes now heading into interstellar space.


Astronomy Cast
Weekly discussions on a variety of astronomical topics.

Hearts of Space
Slow music for fast times - free on Sundays only.

Planetary Radio
Weekly podcast of the Planetary Society.

Monthly highlights of the night sky by Kelly Beatty of Sky & Telescope.

Learn about the latest discoveries from a Hubble scientist.

A production of the University of Texas McDonald Observatory.

Universe Today
Covering the latest space news from around the Internet.

Satellite Observing

Heavens Above
Predictions for the space station, iridium flares, and more for your area.

ISS Transit Finder
Calculates when the ISS will transit the Sun or Moon from your area.

Visual Satellite Observer's
Provides information on all facets of visual satellite observation.


Astronomer's Control Panel (ACP)
Advanced observatory control from DC-3 Dreams.

Astronomy and astrophotography software for Mac OS X and iOS.

Deep-Sky Planner
Comprehensive astronomical planning and logging software.

Distant Suns
3D flight simulation, live Earth cloud data, and more.

Earth Centered Universe
A planetarium and telescope control program for Windows.

A powerful general-purpose charting/desktop planetarium tool.

Advanced image processing platform.

Sequence Generator Pro
Fully automated night sky imaging.

Observation planning, charting, and logging.

Starry Night
Multi-tasking program with versions for all user levels.

Desktop planetarium software offering telescope and camera control from Software Bisque.

System integration and astrophotography automation software.

Used to automatically analyze, align, and stack images of the Sun, Moon, and Planets.

Cartes du Ciel
Great desktop planetarium and star charting program.

Simplifies all the pre-processing steps of deep sky pictures.

Free image manipulation program.

Multi-faceted imaging processing program.

Seamlessly navigate from Earth to the edges of the known Universe.

Nighttime Imaging 'N' Astronomy (NINA)
Open source astrophotography imaging suite.

PHD2 Guiding
Very popular guiding software that simplifies the process of tracking a guide star.

Automatically aligns and stacks your best planetary images.

Software which can track stars on multiple images, align stars, and stack them.

Sky View Café
Java-based program that turns your web browser into a planetarium.

Helps you automatically assemble digital images into star trails.

Colorful desktop planetarium program.

Solar System

Build a Solar System
Create a scale model of the solar system.

Eight Planets
The history, mythology, and scientific knowledge of the solar system.

If the Moon Were Only 1 Pixel
A tediously accurate scale model of the solar system.

Solar System Exploration
Current news and a treasure trove of information on the planets.

Solar System Guide
Website by the University of Texas McDonald Observatory.

Solar System Scale Model
This web page shows the planet's sizes and distances to scale.

Views of the Solar System
Wealth of information on the Sun, planets, moons, and more.

Space Agencies & Space Centers

Canadian Space Agency
Committed to leading the development and application of space knowledge.

European Space Agency
Europe’s gateway to space.

Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Operated by the California Institute of Technology.

Kennedy Space Center
Gateway to exploring, discovering and understanding our universe.

Lunar and Planetary Institute
Provides support services to the planetary science community.

Official site of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

National Space Science Data Center
The permanent archive for NASA space science mission data.

Space Telescope Science Institute
Operates the Hubble Space Telescope; located in Baltimore, Maryland.

Space Organizations

American Astronomical Society
The major organization of professional astronomers in North America.

Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers
Clearing house for amateur and professional planetary observations.

Astronomical Society of the Pacific
The largest general astronomy society in the world.

International Astronomical Union
Responsible for categories and naming astronomical objects.

National Space Society
Organization dedicated to the creation of a spacefaring civilization.

The Planetary Society
Dedicated to exploring the solar system and seeking life beyond Earth.

Royal Astronomical Society
UK's leading professional body for astronomy, astrophysics, and more.

Royal Astronomical Society of Canada
Dedicated to the advancement of astronomy and allied sciences.

Webb Society
Specializes in the observation of double stars and deep sky objects.

Star Maps and Catalogs

The Night Sky on Paper: Reading a Starmap
Describes how to read an all-sky starmap to locate constellations.

Virtual observatory generating images of the sky at all wavelengths.
Download an all-sky starmap for free every month.

Stellarium Web Online Star Map
An interactive map of the sky — a virtual, online planetarium!

Star Parties

Astronomy on the Beach
Hosted by the Great Lakes Association of Astronomy Clubs.

Black Forest Star Party
Held at the Cherry Spring State Park Dark Sky Preserve in Pennsylvania.

Eldorado Star Party
Sponsored by the Austin Astronomical Society in Texas.

Grand Canyon Star Party
Sponsored by the Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association.

Great Lakes Star Gaze
Held annually at the River Valley RV Park near Gladwin, Michigan.

Hidden Hallow Star Party
Held by the Richland Astronomical Society in Ohio.

Illinois Dark Skies Star Party
Held at the Jim Edgar Panther Creek State Fish & Wildlife Area.

Nebraska Star Party
Held at Merritt Reservoir near Valentine, Nebraska.

Northeast Astronomy Forum (NEAF)
Large astronomy expo held by the Rockland Astronomy Club in New York.

Okie-Tex Star Party
Hosted by the Oklahoma City Astronomy Club and held at Camp Billy Joe.

Rocky Mountain Star Stare
Hosted by the Colorado Springs Astronomical Society.

Held by the North York Astronomical Association in Ontario, Canada.

Staunton River Star Party
Held at Staunton River State Park in Halifax County, Virginia.

Held by the Springfield Telescope Makers on Breezy Hill in Vermont.

Table Mountain Star Party
Held about 20 miles northwest of Ellensburg, Washington.

Texas Star Party
Held at the Prude Ranch near Fort Davis and McDonald Observatory.

Winter Star Party
Hosted by the Southern Cross Astronomical Society in the Florida Keys.


100,000 Stars
An interactive visualization of the stellar neighborhood.

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVS0)
World-recognized leader in information and data on variable stars.

International Occultation and Timing Association
Provide details on occultation of stars by the Moon, planets, etc.

Journal of Double Star Observations
Electronic journal published quarterly by the University of South Alabama.

Latest Supernovae
Details and images of all known current supernovae.

The Sounds of Pulsars
Listen to the radio pulses of several different pulsars.

The Sun

Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO)
Veteran solar probe launched in 1995; operated by NASA and ESA.

Solar Data Analysis Center
Located at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland.

Solar Dynamics Observatory
Designed to understand the Sun's influence on Earth and Near-Earth space.

Solar Physics
Wealth of information by the Marshall Space Flight Center.

Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO)
Two space-based observatories that provide 3D solar images.

The Sun in Motion
IMAX style movies of many solar phenomena.

The Transition Region and Coronal Explorer - a NASA mission.

Weather (West Michigan)

Clear Sky Chart
Gives a graphical 40 hours forecast specifically for astronomers.

CNN Kalamazoo Forecast
Weather forecast for the Kalamazoo, Michigan area.

GOES Satellite
Provides animated visible and infrared satellite images.

Satellite and Radar
Long-wave infrared imagery for Michigan from College of DuPage.

Animated wind, rain, temperature maps, and detailed forecast for your location.

The Weather Channel - Kalamazoo Forecast
Weather forecast for the Kalamazoo, Michigan area.

Weather Underground
Detailed weather forecasting with an astronomy section.